so tonight, the christmas tree . . .
To entertain myself, I thought I would blog and take pictures as I decorate my tree tonight. (This is what happens when you live alone.)
First I must say that I absolutely love Christmas and all the decorations but it is hard to understand why I knock myself out to create the "perfect tree" when I will be lucky if 5 people see my creation of beauty before it gets tucked away again.
Well whatever motivated me to make a spot for the tree before I left for work yesterday morning gave me the motivation last night to pull my Christmas tree out of its box, place it in its stand and straighten out the limbs. Mind you that is all I managed to do and I did this while my oldest child slept on my couch. Hmmppph! No one ever wants to help me put my Christmas tree up. Yet as I think about what I just said, I actually I don't want anyone helping me with my Christmas tree. It is best if there is only me to blame for imperfect placement of ornaments and insufficient lights on the tree.
It is now the next night and as I sit here updating this blog my eyes keep darting over to my naked tree.
Sssssiiiiiigggghhhhh, this tree must have lights and ornaments adorning its branches for it (and me) to be happy. I guess I should actually begin this process. BUT, first things first. We have to set the mood. Maestro, music please. Thank you Xfinity for the "Sounds of the Season" station.
Now for a beverage. Due to new diet restrictions (somewhat self imposed - this issue will be saved for another blog) - I believe I will enjoy a hot cup of Russian Tea.
Okay, I have to stop this. The lights must go on. Before I post this next pic you must understand that I HATE tangled lights. Thus every year when packing up the tree each strand is wrapped in a circle, tied with a twist tie, and then each strand is put in to its own separate grocery bag for safe keeping.
Yes, that is what you call being anal. :) Can't help it . . . just one of those things I have to deal with. Wow, I can get sidetracked. This blog is not about my quirks. It is about the "TREE". I must make it happy. The meticulous process begins . . .
You have to understand that I am crazy about lights and I want LOTS of them on my tree. Thus, the stringing process can take quite a while. Okay, about 1/3 of the way there.
Must take a break! I am frustrated at how long this is taking but perfection is so very important! Crap! I just realized why this is so hard! Last year I put my lights on from the bottom up and it was SO MUCH EASIER. What the crap was I thinking this year! Oh well I'll write that thought on the outside of the light box so I will remember next year. Thinking another cup of tea would be good about now . . . .
So there is apparently some unwritten rule somewhere that you have to buy additional lights every year. I have 12 of the 100 strand lights on my tree and I need 2 more strands to finish up. And yes this next picture doesn't show the "hole" I have to cover.
Do you want to know how long I have been working on this tree???? 2 hours. Yep, that's right 2 solid hours to put the lights on this tree!!! Hahahahahahaha! No wonder couples fight when stringing lights. Ornaments are just going to have to wait till in the morning! I need some computer time.
Oh this blogging is such good therapy. Must do more of this! Until next time . . . .
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